Climate change represents one of the major challenges of this century. What does this mean for East Tennessee? This presentation, developed in collaboration with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the City of Knoxville’s Office of Sustainability, will review the basic science underlying global climate change and highlight recent trends in global greenhouse gases, corresponding average temperatures and precipitation. The presenters will link these trends to implications of global change on East Tennessee’s regional climate and the potential impacts on our local human health, infrastructure and the environment. The presentation will conclude by outlining local actions that governments and individuals can take to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of regional climate change.

Speakers:     Steve Bartell has a doctorate in oceanography and is experienced in the analysis of complex environmental systems, with a focus on aquatics and their reaction to different environmental stressors. He works as a private consultant with Cardno Inc., an Australian environmental and engineering firm.  Bartell is also an adviser to the University of Tennessee Center for Water Resources Research and serves on the board of East Tennessee Quality Growth.

Monty Ross earned a bachelor’s degree in microbiology from UT, after which she worked in the Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Environmental Science division in various research programs with an interest in terrestrial ecology. She moved into environmental regulatory compliance in 1990 as the Research Support Group Leader within the ORNL’s Chemical Science division. Ross has held both elected and appointed positions in local government and is currently the program director for East Tennessee Regional Leadership Association. She also serves a board member of East Tennessee Quality Growth.

Erin Gill is the director of the City of Knoxville’s Office of Sustainability, which leads efforts to improve the environmental, economic and social health of the Knoxville community. Her professional experience focuses on improving the efficiency and resilience of urban systems.

What:           Discussion on climate resilience in East Tennessee

When:          Thursday, Oct. 26, 2017, 6:30–7:30 p.m.

Where:         West High School Lecture Hall3300 Sutherland Ave., Knoxville, 37919



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