What: Open house for North Central Street project stakeholders


When: 5 – 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 11, 2018


Where: City of Knoxville Public Works Service Center, 3131 Morris Ave.


Who: Representatives from the City of Knoxville, Amec Foster Wheeler construction engineering inspections services, Vaughn and Melton civil engineering firm, Southern Constructors Inc. general contractor, Hedstrom Design landscape architecture, and Central Street residents, merchants and property owners



The North Central Street streetscapes project begins Tuesday, Jan. 2, with mobilization of materials and equipment, continuing a series of improvements to the Downtown North district. The project includes replacing storm drains and storm water pipes, repairing and constructing new sidewalks, planting trees and making additional improvements based on a plan approved by City Council with the goals of economic development, conserving historic resources, improving walkability and bicycling, and increasing green space. A linear park is planned for the block of North Central Street between Baxter and Hinton avenues.


Work begins at the intersection of North Central Street and West Depot Avenue and will conclude at Woodland Avenue. As construction proceeds north, outer lanes of North Central Street will be closed, while traffic is maintained in the center. Access to businesses and driveways will be maintained. The project is projected to be complete in March 2019 and landscape installation will follow this construction as a separate contract.


Over the past year and in preparation for this project, KUB has replaced more than 8,800 feet of water main and 26 fire hydrants along the project area’s 12 blocks. The upcoming retrofit of the City’s streetlights to LED bulbs will also contribute to the neighborhood’s updates.


The Jan. 11 meeting is designed to introduce stakeholders to the project’s team leaders, provide initial information about the project, upcoming work dates and anticipated lane closures, sign up interested parties to the project email list and familiarize visitors with the project’s website: NorthCentralStreet.com.


Coordination of the North Central Street project will be handled similarly to the Cumberland Avenue Corridor project: communication between the City, residents, merchants and other stakeholders will be key.


Anyone needing a disability accommodation to be able to attend should contact Stephanie Cook at scook@knoxvilletn.gov or 865-215-2034. For an English interpreter, contact Title VI Coordinator Tatia M. Harris at 865-215-2831.