Daffodil Show
The East Tennessee Daffodil Society will have a Daffodil Show, on Saturday, March 16 from 1-4 p.m. at First United Methodist Church of Maryville, at 804 Montvale Station Road, Maryville. The show is open to the public and is FREE.


Daughters of the Confederacy meeting
The Captain W. Y. C. Hannum Chapter #1881, United Daughters of the Confederacy will meet at the Green Meadow Country Club in Alcoa on Saturday, March 23, at 10:30 A.M. Business Session will begin at 11:00 followed by lunch. The program topic will be presented by Rebecaik Bient, “Handwork of the War Between the States Period.”  Visitors are welcome to attend. For reservations or more information, please contact Charlotte Miller, 865-448-6716.


Entrepreneurship Course
The Urban League is hosting an entrepreneurship course from 5:30-8:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, March 5 and 19. Course instruction covers topics such as how to prepare a business plan; marketing; identifying your competition; forecasting numbers; how to price; how to pay sales tax; and how to set up your business, i.e., a sole proprietorship or LLC. Course instruction provided by SCORE Knoxville. For more information or to register, contact Felix Harris (fharris@thekaul.org865-524-5511).