Sock Hop helps Museum of Education

By Mike Steely

Put on your Blue Suede Shoes or your Poodle Skirt and step back into the 50s and 60s next month as the Knox County Museum of Education relives those times. The Museum wants to take you back to the days when Rock and Roll was King, a diner was your favorite hangout, and you kicked off your shoes and danced the night away with your date.

Friday night, July 15th is when the Museum of Education invites you to the “Let’s Go Back to the Hop 2.” Entertainment for the night will feature three sets of Elvis covers performed by Chuck Ayers; Sammy “Barney Fife” Sawyer and his Mayberry crew will provide laughs; and the recorded Doo Wop music of Four Dots and a Dash will be perfect for dancing. There’s “Doo Wop” food, a silent auction, a “promo” photo package and much more— all to help the very special museum.

As a non-profit organization the Knox County Education Museum depends on donations for its operation and the Sock Hop is a major fundraising event. The Museum is located in the Sarah Simpson Professional Development Technical Center at 801 Tipton Avenue, near where Moody Avenue meets the James White Parkway.

Hundreds of displays and yearbooks, photos, documents, scrapbooks, minutes of important meetings and much more are collected, displayed and stored by the volunteer staff there. The museum is a place where anyone can travel back in time to see their own or their family’s school days and where serious educational research on events, issues and people can be done.

Four Dots and a Dash have retired but their music will be played starting at 6:30 p.m. The Doo Wop Diner features hot dogs, popcorn, etc.  Admission to the event is $25 and food items are only $1 each.

The silent auction is unusual because people will be bidding on a Tennessee Walking Horse donated by Mrs. Susie Ford.

The museum is celebrating its 10th year this fall, according to David Armstrong, an honorary member of the Museum Board and former chairman of the board. He’s the coordinator of the Sock Hop.

You can get more information from Armstrong by calling (865)679-4214 or call the Knox County Museum of Education at (865)308-6075. Tickets are available at the Museum or at all Knoxville Teachers Federal Credit Union Locations or online at