Now hiring

Now hiring

By Dr. Harold A. Black One morning I decided to count the “now hiring” signs to/fro an errand. There were 12 and two job fair signs. I can’t remember when it seemed like every business was hiring. My son who runs several popular 24/7 restaurants...



It is not good for man to be alone. Genesis 2:18 By Dr. Jim Ferguson And just when you thought it was safe to go out, Fauci and his minions scream No! I remember the Charles Schultz Peanuts column where Lucy would promise Charlie Brown that she would hold the football...

Summer’s Eventual End

By Ralphine Major Shorter days. Leaves turning. Cool mornings. Start of schools. Bounty of fall fruits. Countdown to football. Afternoon’s casting of long shadows. Looks like signs of fall are upon us. With the warm days of summer beginning to wind down, I stop to...