Jefferson County, TN By Juvenile Court FAQs

By Jedidiah McKeehan Many people see being an attorney as a very solemn and serious profession.  People have seen Law & Order and those lawyers on there are rarely smiling, not to mention that ominous music playing in the background. No question, lawyers handle...

What is a Motion for Summary Judgment?

By Jedidiah McKeehan One of the those lawyer terms you may have heard is a, “motion for summary judgment.” What does this terms mean though? Okay, first, let’s set parameters, a motion implies there has been a lawsuit filed and there is a case pending before the...

Common Law Marriage in Tennessee

By Jedidiah McKeehan The term “common law marriage” is one you may have heard of at some point. A common law marriage is where two people hold themselves out as married, consider the other person their spouse, and may even have taken the step of having the same last...