Our 20/20 Project

By Dr. Jim Ferguson In 312 AD the world changed, and many remain unaware. In October of that year a momentous battle occurred at the Milvian Bridge on the Tiber River in Italy. The formidable army of Roman General Maxentius was in control of the walled city of Rome....

Showing Kindness in a COVID-19 World

By Ralphine Major The red, white, and blue seems to be more visible than ever this year!  Decorations that were put out for July’s summer holiday still hang proudly.  Perhaps, it is because many families are still observing the stay- at-home guideline.  Perhaps, it is...

Go grubby

By Joe Rector Amy bought me one of those micro-shavers that trims and shaves and cuts. It’s a neat little gadget that gives me a break from the shaving ritual that I’ve followed for decades. This new razor would be nicer if I used it to cut the scraggily parts of a...