Beach attire

Beach attire By Joe Rector Amy and I returned from a week at the beach recently. Our vacations are planned for this time of year because I can better tolerate the chances of a hurricane than the sands covered with families and screaming children. We enjoy traveling to...

Music is good for the soul

Music is good for the soul By Joe Rector Amy and I returned from Hendersonville last weekend. We’re tired of the raceway better known as I-40, so we’ve begun taking the scenic route. Through Oak Ridge and Oliver Springs takes us to Highway 27, where we cruise on down...

We had a better life

By Joe Recotr I wouldn’t trade my life for that of any other person. I was reminded of how lucky I’ve been during a conversation with my wife, and for nearly a week, that thought has stayed with me; I can’t seem to shake it. For all my life, I’ve been lucky to have a...

Joy from others

Joy from others By Joe Rector The news media, regardless of which station or what persuasion, thrives on discord and animosity. Only occasionally does a national, cable, or local station give the simple facts. Even the major paper in Knoxville concentrates on problems...

Better then or now?

Better then or now? By Joe Rector I’m sitting on the front porch and waiting for the storm to roll in. No guarantees are given, but the air has cooled, the skies are filling with a thick blanket of dark clouds, and the thunder is rumbling in the distance. I suppose...

His Way

By Joe Rector I’ve always been an Elvis fan. Even at the young age of 3, I loved his songs and performed them in front of an audience consisting of extended family members. Although I couldn’t understand many words because he growled and the audience made too much...