By Ralphine Major

Growing up, I remember hearing the adults talk about how fast time flies! Back then, I thought it passed rather slowly. Now, I appreciate their remarks. As I look at where we are in the calendar year, it is hard to believe Memorial Day is already here!

Some call it Decoration Day. It is the day that graves of loved ones, particularly those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country, are decorated with flowers. Many businesses are closed in observance, and the day is often filled with picnics and parades. For many, the day signals the beginning of a summer packed with vacations, Bible School, and evenings by the pool. The festivities and fun can easily overshadow the somber side of Memorial Day and those images of flag-draped coffins returning home to these United States.

Whenever we see our symbol of freedom this Memorial Day—on churches, front porches, pickup trucks, construction cranes, or tee shirts—may we pause and breathe a “thank you” for those soldiers and their families who paid the price for our freedom so that we may enjoy such a day of celebration and a life of liberty. May God bless all of those veterans who have served and those who are serving today, and may God continue to bless the United States of America. Happy Memorial Day!