The Knoxville Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC) will hold a meeting to discuss the boundaries for the proposed expansion to the existing Edgewood-Park City Historic District (H-1 Zoning Overlay). The purpose of this meeting is to answer questions and gather input about the proposed expansion of the historic district. The meeting will start at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 19, 2017 at the O’Connor Senior Citizen’s Center at 611 Winona Street.
At the request of the Knoxville City Council, staff from the Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC) has conducted an inventory of properties within the Parkridge neighborhood for a proposed expansion of the existing Edgewood-Park City Historic District (H-1 Zoning Overlay). A draft map of potential expanded district boundaries, including approximately 400 properties, is available at
Within an H-1 Overlay, owner applications for exterior alterations to structures as well as new construction and demolition are reviewed for approvals by the Historic Zoning Commission. Designation will help to ensure that planning and zoning decisions support preservation of important historic buildings and streetscapes.
If you have any questions, or cannot attend the meeting and would like more information, you may email MPC staff at or call (865) 215-3795. There will also be a summary of the presentation and discussion on MPC’s website at the week following the meeting.