The South Woodlawn Neighborhood Association will hold a ribbon cutting ceremony for its “Community Wildlife Habitat” information kiosk at Sam Duff Memorial Park from 10 a.m. until noon this coming Saturday, May 19.


South Woodlawn neighborhood became the first certified community wildlife habitat in the State of Tennessee back in 2013. Since then, a team of neighbors — Wildlife Habitats of South Woodlawn — continues to sponsor activities to earn points so the neighborhood can maintain its certification from the National Wildlife Federation.


At the ceremony, Mayor Madeline Rogero will talk about improvements to the park, and refreshments will be served. WHoSW members will relate the history of the project, and visitors can use a new walking path into the woods from Hedgeapple Lane, which borders the park.


The kiosk was designed by a neighbor, Scott Tocher, and was constructed as an Eagle Scout Project by Tyler Chan. One side of the kiosk includes a large poster announcing that South Woodlawn is a wildlife habitat, as well as brochures that explain how to certify your own yard and select garden plants that encourage wildlife.


On the back side of the kiosk, a Community Announcements cork board is available for anyone to use. Native plants were installed next to the kiosk to promote wildlife.


WHoSW began the process of gaining community wildlife certification with a kickoff party in the spring of 2012 and achieved their goal by the fall of 2013.