Openings for full and part-time roles in a variety of key positions


Emerald Youth Foundation, a faith-based nonprofit nearly three decades old which serves young people in the heart of the city, is seeking applicants for a variety of key positions.


The organization will host a career fair Saturday, July 14, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at Children of God Ministries, located at 309 Deaderick Avenue in the Mechanicsville community. Both full and part-time positions are available with a variety of experience and backgrounds accepted.


“More and more, we are seeing that people across our city are looking for meaning in their work. Whether you are a college student, retiree, or simply looking to reinvent your career, there is absolutely something for everyone,” said John Crooks, director of communications for Emerald Youth Foundation. “We are seeking additional team members who fit our mission and values and hope that the community will join us on Saturday to explore what opportunities are available with our ministry.”


Available positions include those who will serve directly with our city’s young people, as well as in supporting roles through Emerald’s administrative office.


To view the full list of vacant positions and apply, please visit and click “Get Involved.”