~ from the City Office of Neighborhoods
There will be no Better Building Board (BBB) this month, as no business has been brought before the board; however, the Public Officer Hearing (POH) is still scheduled for Friday, Sept. 28, at 9:30 at the Small Assembly Room, City County Building.
The following properties will be addressed: 3937 Alma Ave, including accessory structures; 1741 Beaumont Ave, including accessory structure – Confirmation of emergency repair/demolition order; 124 Childress St; 5400 Clinton Hwy, Unit #106; 2822 East Fifth Ave, including accessory structure; 605 Forest View Rd; 114 Richmond Ave; 210 South Seventeenth St, All units; 222 East Springdale Ave, including accessory structure; 312 East Springdale Ave; 1624 Vermont Ave, Confirmation of emergency repair/demolition order; 1514 Wilder Pl; and 2918 Wilson Ave.
The Public Officer – David Brace, Deputy Director to the Mayor and the City’s Chief Operating Officer – will hear testimony on buildings that inspectors contend are in violation of the City’s building codes.
Testimony can also be made by the property owners, neighbors, neighborhood groups, and other stakeholders, such as lien holders.
The Public Officer then decides whether to issue an order requiring that the violations be addressed in a certain period of time. Failure by the owner to address the problem may result in the boarding or demolition of a structure, or the cleanup of a dirty or overgrown lot, with costs billed to the owner.
A property owner may appeal the Public Officer’s decision to the Better Building Board (BBB) and, ultimately, to Chancery Court.
If any of these properties are in your neighborhood, then you or a representative of your organization may want to consider attending the meeting to submit testimony about the impact of the property on the neighborhood.
For agendas and more information about these hearings, see the City of Knoxville’s website.