Concord United Methodist Church presents its annual Christmas Cantata this Sunday, December 2 at 5 and 7 p.m. in the church sanctuary. This year’s musical is Joel Raney and Mary McDonald’s joyful “Sing Christmas!” The composers have created new and some unexpected tunes with words from familiar carols combined with narrative of the traditional Christmas story. Four musical suites include: “Sing Joy!,””Sing Noel!,” “Sing Emmanuel!” and “Sing Gloria!”
Some 40 members of the Concord Chancel Choir and friends combine their vocal efforts with a full orchestra and organ, conducted by Rev. Mike Stallings, Director of Music. Soprano Haley Retterer and baritone Robb Paulson combine on a lovely contemporary setting of the song of Mary entitled, “Tell Out My Soul.” The orchestra is comprised of musicians from the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra, members of the University of Tennessee Orchestra, talented local musicians and members of Concord UMC. The choir is accompanied by organist Betsy Segraves.
Concord United Methodist Church is located at 11020 Roane Drive in Farragut. The public is invited to bring family and friends to enjoy this wonderful worship experience!