By Dr. Jim Ferguson

I was able to retire from my traditional medical practice and become a semi-retired Doctor because my children were educated and launched, and Becky and I had no debt. I could afford my scruples, so I’m not criticizing those who have to stay in the system.

I stay busy helping my concierge patients and grandkids, teaching medical students and I am blessed to have a “voice” with my Focus column.

I am also blessed to have more time to pursue Spiritual matters. It is somewhat ironic that at this later phase of my life I have finally figured things out. I know where I came from and my purpose. I am to be thankful for each day of life and praise the Lord, as I serve my fellow man and the kingdom.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity…,” said Charles Dickens in his opening lines of A Tale of Two Cities. This was true in 1859 and it remains true in 2019; perhaps even more so as I consider the insanity of the media and Trump haters.

As a result of this “new Civil War” and the latest Democrat-Progressive-Socialist scheme to overturn the 2016 Presidential election, I have found a new purpose. I’d prefer to write about medical issues, history, philosophy, spirituality, science and travel, but when your house is on fire you focus on the crisis at hand.

Becky and I opposed the destructive policies of Obama and opposed another Clinton in the White House. Like all humans, President Trump is not perfect. However, along the way we’ve become staunch supporters of our imperfect and abused President who has done great things for America. Trump reversed Obama’s weaponization of the intelligence agencies, the State and Justice Departments and the IRS (remember Lois Lerner). However, the Washington deep state continues to screw Trump and, if he falls, they’ll be coming for you next.

Russian collusion, hackneyed racism claims and engineered recession have failed. Now the Democrats are using your tax money and mine to promote their “political and personal” agenda. Like Ahab chasing the great white whale, Moby Dick, Democrats continue to investigate Trump instead of legislating to control the border, fix the debt, work on homelessness, mental illness and the opioid epidemic.

Becky and I wrote and posted to Facebook The Ferguson Challenge to contact your Congressional representatives and insist they OPENLY stand up and support President Trump against the insane Washington cabal of Democrat-Progressive-Socialists, Holly-weirds, elitist academia and the utterly dishonest and subversive media. With a few notable exceptions, the Republican silence has been deafening!

Included is my Rx for American Patriots. It shows what you can do. Take up my challenge and let your representatives hear from their “employers,” We The People.





From: Dr. James V Ferguson, MD FACP    For:  All America Patriots


Direction:  Call the Washington and Knoxville offices of Congress


Tennessee Senators

Marsha Blackburn

(865) 540-3781 Knoxville

(202) 224-3344 Washington DC


Lamar Alexander

(865) 545-4253 Knoxville

(202) 224-3344 Washington DC


2nd Congressional District Representative

Tim Burchett

(865) 523-3772 Knoxville

(202) 225-5435 Washington DC


Call their offices once or more. Refill as needed.