Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs provided the following statement regarding local Phase 2 reopening plans, additional information for which is to be presented by Dr. Buchanan during the Knox County Health Department’s regularly-scheduled 12:30 p.m. press conference today.
“I want to applaud Dr. Buchanan, her team and the citizen volunteers of the Knoxville-Knox County Reopening Task Force for their dedicated service and guidance. I feel the plan they’ve developed balances the needs for both healthy people and a healthy economy. I’m looking forward to their release of some of the guidance for Phase 2 this afternoon as it will enable our community to move forward and get more people back to work. It’s important that we continue pushing ahead as a unified community as Phase 2 gets fully underway.”
Full, industry-specific details of Phase 2 will be released by KCHD on Friday, May 22.