By Mike Steely
Senior Writer

The law firm of Baker Donelson has been hired to represent the Knoxville-Knox County Sports Authority. The members met Tuesday at the Beck Cultural Center and approved the hiring.
Stephanie Welch, Chief of the city’s Economics and Community Development and deputy mayor, told The Focus that Jeff Hagood will serve as the point person to negotiate fees and bring an engagement letter back to the next Authority meeting.

The members also appointed Richard Bass as secretary-treasurer. He will work with the city and county finance offices to recommend a financial advisor.

“We reviewed a draft of the proposed schedule for our next meetings and approvals over the coming months,” Welch said.

The next scheduled meeting is July 13 followed by public meetings on July 14 through July 24. Sports Authority board members include Richard H. Bass, Joan C. Cronan, Jeff Hagood, Tim Hill, Arvin J. Nance, Nikita Thompson and Rosalyn Tillman.