There is a reason red was the color of the day on Friday, February 4. People from all walks of life across the country could be seen wearing red dresses, red sweaters, red jackets, and red ties in support of women’s heart health. What a worthy cause to recognize each year!
Like so many other families, we have experienced heart disease. At age 36, our father developed heart problems. An enlarged heart that beat irregularly cost him his livelihood but not his joy for life. For the next 30 years, he was plagued with cardiac limitations that eventually claimed his life. Our mother was more than twice his age when her heart problems surfaced. The sudden onset of nausea, sweats, and arm pain came without warning before she suffered a heart attack. With all that the world has been going through since COVID began, it would not be surprising if more people develop heart issues.
In dealing with our family’s heart problems, we have learned about the importance of regular exercise and a diet low in fat and sodium. Heart health affects everyone. Remember to take care of your heart and encourage those dear to you to take care of their hearts. It is a message that bears repeating every day, every year.
Words of Faith: “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23 (KJV).