Publisher’s Positions

By Steve Hunley

Becky Duncan Massey Is Best Choice For State Senate

The Inside Tennessee  show over at WBIR had state Senator Becky Duncan Massey and her challenger, Monica Irvine, on last week. The conversation between the two opponents inside the Republican primary was civil but there was a sharp exchange between panelist Don Bosch and Irvine whose candidacy seems to be about compiling a perfect record where abortion is concerned. Bosch, a criminal defense attorney, posed the question about forcing an 11-year-old girl to have a baby after being raped. Irvine retreated to the position the girl should not have been raped. Bosch said that attitude was a fantasy in today’s world and unfortunately such things do happen. Irvine said she would never vote to kill a baby and Bosch replied, “Just 11-year-olds!”

Becky Duncan Massey had explained why she had not cast a vote on a particular bill. Massey has been an effective member of the Tennessee State Senate and listens carefully to the people she represents, something that has been a hallmark of her family. Senator Becky Duncan Massey is leading the charge for perhaps the most important project for our collective community: a new mental health facility for Knox County. Establishing a mental health facility here would be nothing less than a Godsend for Knoxville and Knox County. Many of the homeless people roaming the streets of our community are mentally ill and some are dangerous, not only to themselves but to others as well. A mental health facility is almost universally regarded as exactly what our community needs to be safer, cleaner, and just plain better altogether.

Irvine’s candidacy seems to be that of a single-issue candidate. Legislators vote on hundreds of bills annually and many are quite complicated. In a perfect world, most of them would be black or white, but we have never lived in a perfect world.

Senator Massey is a strong conservative, knows Knox County intimately, and its people and their attitudes very well and is the best choice for state Senate in the ongoing August Republican primary.


Do Democrat Voters Matter To The Democrat Elite And The Media?

The folks who talk about “saving our democracy” really don’t believe in democracy or democratic government. Joe Biden, for all his faults, flaws and incompetence, IS the legitimate and legal nominee of the Democratic Party. That is based on 14 million voters who participated in the Democratic primaries across the country, the results of which made Joe Biden their nominee. In fact, those very same advocates of democracy for the people are the very same people who changed the rules to make it harder for anyone to challenge Biden in the primaries. They also moved up the South Carolina primary to give Biden a flying start. Those same folks who talk about the “threat to our democracy” have never hesitated to change the rules in the middle of the game to skew the results or rig the game in their favor because they really don’t like free and untrammeled democracy in action.

The furor reached a fever pitch following Biden’s disastrous performance at the debate with former President Donald Trump. Suddenly, the collective narrative of the administration, the Democratic Party and the mockingbird media collapsed for all to see and hear. Joe Biden’s cognitive decline did not happen overnight. The same people who lied about Biden being as sharp as a tack, asking penetrating questions at staff meetings, and having a command of the issues facing the country was never the Biden anybody saw in public. That was one of the reasons Biden’s every appearance was as highly choreographed as a Hollywood musical. That was the reason he read everything off a teleprompter, almost to the point of saying “hello.” But We the People were supposed to believe every word spoon-fed us by the mockingbird media. How does anyone have even a shred of credibility as in the instance of “Morning Joe’s” Joe Scarborough who told us Biden was “the best Joe Biden ever” only to turn on a dime and call for Biden’s removal from the Democratic ticket? If Joe Scarborough truly had no idea about Biden’s mental state he is too ignorant to be on any national television program. If he knowingly lied day after day, he deserves no national program and the small audience he has should flip over to another channel if they had the sense God gave a goose.

The point is all the usual suspects are those who shriek about our democracy under threat are the very same people who have knowingly lied to your face for 3 ½ years about Joe Biden’s mental state and capacity to serve as president of the United States. It is they who are the greatest threat to democracy in America today and they have repeatedly demonstrated they will stop at nothing to get their way.

They lied to our faces daily, rigged the game, greased the skids and believed they would get away with it. Then the real joe Biden showed up at the debate and the jig was up. The genie couldn’t be put back into the bottle. The truth was so awful and catastrophic that the continuing lie that we hadn’t really seen and heard what we had seen and heard was too big to deny. The usual tactic of simply doubling down and lying again failed to work.

That is exactly why they have to undo the democratic process and remove Joe Biden as their nominee. They haven’t really begun to think about if Biden is too far gone to run and serve for another four years, is there anyone who believes he is fit to continue in the highest office for another six months? Ironically, it was Joe Biden himself who called out the perpetrators of this vile fraud, the elites who believe they are the only people smart enough to set the policies and run the government.

The last thing these people believe in is democracy or the people of the United States selecting their own leaders.