Liberal Elites And The Media Are The Real Threat To Democracy

By Steve Hunley
It’s already begun. Much of the national media is busy rewriting history and telling us Kamala Harris was never the “border czar,” a name which they gave her themselves. Now they are busy falling over one another saying they were mistaken. Odd, how it has taken them 3 ½ years to discover their initial mistake and of course coincidentally, after Harris is slated to become the presidential nominee in place of Joe Biden. The same news outlets now telling us Kamala had nothing to do with the border have been telling us over the past 3 ½ years there was no crisis at the border, just as they told us Joe Biden was sharp as a tack, that he was the best Joe Biden there had ever been, right up until the debate. Then they forced Biden to pass the torch – – – after they torched him. Biden may have withdrawn after Democrat elites threatened to invoke the 25th Amendment – the same people who were saying how competent and on top of it he was two weeks earlier.

The assumption by the national media – – – and there is no polite way to put it – – – is that you are just plain stupid. That you have the memory of a gnat and no ability to recall a single thing you’ve heard or read. Now the national Democrats point to a bogus “bipartisan” bill to fix the border? How about simply having finished the quite nearly completed border wall in the first place? It was Joe Biden who signed the Executive Order undoing the security at our southern border and he and his administration have been telling us it IS secure all this time until that lie, too, became impossible to maintain. Am I the only person in America who remembers Lester Holt interviewing Kamala Harris and asking her why she hadn’t even bothered to visit the border? She said she had visited the border, Lester called her out and said she hadn’t. Krazy Kamala cackled and then said she hadn’t been to Europe either.

If it weren’t so despicable it would be ironic; Kamala and her crowd are continuing the hoax about our democracy being threatened. This claim coming out of the mouth of a woman whom not a single, solitary Democrat voted for in the recent presidential primaries. In fact, the Democrat elites tried to discourage any candidates from running in the primaries against Biden, which is why they moved South Carolina to the front of the schedule. If Kamala is indeed the nominee of her party, she will be the first to be nominated in my lifetime who never won the first vote in a primary election. Kamala’s nomination is as far from democracy as was Stalin having been nominated by the Politburo.

Old Joe and Kamala talk about the wealthy paying their fair share, yet Biden’s son has been charged with not paying his taxes and oddly neither ever mentions the millions and billions earned by people like George Clooney who probably haven’t been in a grocery store since they were teenagers. At the same time they are promising the poor everything for free, they provide loopholes for the mega-wealthy. Who in his/her right mind thinks people like George Clooney and Whoopi Goldberg know anything about politics or the lives of real people? Pampered and the very definition of privileged, it’s likely been years since Whoopi even picked up her own doughnut. I wouldn’t be surprised if her personal assistant fed it to her. I can tell you when Kamala will be exposed for eliminating the tax loopholes enjoyed by the likes of Hollywood’s elitists: the 12th of Never.

That is why they kept insisting the economy is booming and there are some morons not in the millionaire class who actually believe it. Things cost 2 ½ or 3 times more than they did almost 4 years ago and the costs aren’t coming down. The cost of housing has shot through the proverbial roofs too many people find difficult in keeping over their heads these days. Again, it would be ironic if it were not so disgusting – these people who talk about the “houseless” have implemented policies to create more of them than anyone else in this country.

Another attempt by the Left to rewrite history is to try and convince us that Krazy Kamala was a law-and-order prosecutor. Next thing we’ll see is a campaign ad with her slamming a cell door shut, probably on someone who was at the Capital on January 6. It certainly wouldn’t be anyone participating in rioting, billions of dollars’ worth of destruction of property, including federal buildings, where far more police officers were hurt and people actually killed. No, Kamala raised money to provide bail for them and enough idiots contributed money to release any number of dangerous criminals. Frankly, the best bill Congress could pass at this point is to make it the law for any politician who advocates for the defunding of the police to be forever exempt from police protection and no campaign funds should be allowed to be spent on private security. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. These people need to live under the policies they want you and me to live under.

Kamala, Never-the-Border-Czar, has said she would extend free health care to every illegal alien who gets across the border.

Now our congressman Tim Burchett is getting jumped on by the Left, including the Sentinel’s Allie Feinberg for having said Kamala was a DEI pick by Joe Biden. Sometimes the truth isn’t pretty and sometimes it hurts. Everybody remembers Biden making the promise to pick a Black woman, meaning nobody else was qualified or could be considered. Maybe it would be more politically correct to say they were an affirmative action nominee, I don’t know.

What I do know is her anointing by her own political party has as much to do with democracy and democratic government as did Mao Zedong. Absolutely nothing. The people crying our democracy is under attack are the very people who don’t believe in democratic government by the people.