Who Is The Biggest Threat To Democracy?
By Dr. Harold A. Black
The Democrats have shouted “threat to democracy” since the advent of Trump. They and their media allies have done such a great job that over 80 percent of the public now believes that it is true. On this both Republicans and Democrats agree. The Democrats think that the Republicans – in particular Trump – pose the threat while the Republicans think that the Democrats pose the threat. Ironically, even though Trump is the recipient of most warnings, a poll of voters in swing states found that Biden posed a greater threat than Trump. A solid number of the electorate think that both parties are an equal threat to democracy.
The threat to democracy and abortion are the core of the Democrats’ campaign. Apparently, they cannot run on their record. The Republicans have mainly run on the issues, with the exception of Trump occasionally conducting a name-calling personal vendetta. When the Democrats cite the threats to democracy they point to January 6, voter suppression, Trump not accepting the results of the 2020 election and his comment on wanting to be dictator for a day. Of course, the Democrats never accepted the legitimacy of Trump’s election either. Although Biden has ruled by executive order and ignored the rulings of the Supreme Court somehow Democrats do not consider these as threats to democracy. Republicans fear that Democrats will steal elections with ballot harvesting, ballot box stuffing and outright fraud. The Democrats want to make (or keep) voting easy while the Republicans want to eliminate early voting and limit voting by mail. Interestingly, these are done in many countries including England and France.
The Democrats actually only want to have one facet of democracy. They want the president to be decided by popular vote and nothing else. They want to ignore or repeal the foundations of the country and its representative republic. They want to eliminate the Electoral College. They want to pack the Supreme Court. They want to make the Constitution a “living document” and repeal the Second Amendment. They want open borders and allow illegals to vote. They want an industrial policy and for the government to direct private enterprise. The Democrats have conducted lawfare that would make banana republics proud. They have prosecuted many of Trump’s lieutenants and Trump himself. They have come down hard on the January 6 demonstrators while letting walk violent protestors on the left. They have tried to keep Trump off the ballot in several states. The Democrats ignored the democratic process in choosing their own presidential nominee with the anointment of Vice President Harris.
Biden and the Democrats say that The MAGA movement is a clear and present danger to American democracy. It will be interesting to see what they say when Trump finally leaves the scene.
The irony is that the party that accuses the other of being a threat to democracy is one that ignores the will of the people by imposing rules and regulations that run counter to the preferences of the people. Biden’s green energy policies that seek to ban gas-powered vehicles, stoves, weed eaters, HVAC units, lawnmowers and other stuff is not embraced by the general public. The banning of natural gas, the shutting down of pipelines, solar farms, windmills and other green initiatives are not favored by the public. Title IX changes. DEI mandates across the Biden administration and the woke military would not pass public referenda. These are clearly nondemocratic dictates but the Democrats ignore that fact. If the Democrats so favor democracy, then why not put all of their actions on the ballot and let the people decide?
The Founding Fathers feared a democracy because of the tyranny of the majority. We all know the wisdom in that fear. Public sentiment is capricious. At one time the majority of the voting public favored slavery, denying women the vote and segregation. Rule by democracy will threaten the stability of the country and civil violence will be seen as the only way to counter the dictates of the majority.
So who is the greater threat to democracy?