City council continues to open rules for more housing

By Mike Steely
Senior Writer

The City of Knoxville is continuing to promote housing in various zones and tonight the city council will consider setting appropriate design standards for residential structures in General Commercial Zones.

Tuesday’s meeting may also see several related residential zoning requests and appeals. Homestead Land Holdings LLC is asking that 962 Gallaher View Road change from low to medium density, going from RN-1 to RN-5, which would permit more housing per acre.

A property at 5303 Jacksboro Pike and 3225 Essary Drive may be rezoned from RN-1 single-family to RN-2 single-family neighborhood. The property at 1214 Callaway Street could go from RN-1 to RN-2 on a request from R. Brentley Marlow. Marlow also has an appeal before the council involving a ruling from the zoning appeals director on property at 2448 Jefferson Avenue. The issue involves abandoned structure rules after the utilities are disconnected.

Jeremy Greenhouse also has filed an appeal on behalf of Liquid Environmental Solutions. He says the zoning board had ruled the property at 1307 Galway Street was not in compliance with city rules.

The council may also move Beer Board meetings in the holiday season to January 8th and vote to officially qualify Knoxville as a Broadband Ready Community under the Tennessee Public Chapter 228.
National Building Service Inc. may get a two-month extension with the city for janitorial services at the city community centers. The Parks and Recreation Department is asking the council to approve a cost reimbursement with Lakeshore Park Conservancy. The city would pick up the $133,502 cost for paving work for Central Services Courtyard as part of the park’s Phase 2 Capital Project.

Vice Mayor Tommy Smith will suggest Clarence McDowell be appointed as the Fifth District’s representative on the Golf Course Advisory Committee.