Kamala Harris

Too Little, Too Late

By Steve Hunley

Evidently, there’s a very good reason Kamala Harris is staying away from the press and doing no interviews.  During one of her appearances last week, speaking before the Economic Club of Pittsburgh, she made the bold statement we need to guard the spirit of American inspiration.

“We have to guard that spirit.  We have to guard that spirit.  Let it always inspire us.  Let it always be a source of our optimism, which is that spirit that is uniquely American.  Let that then inspire us by helping us to be inspired to solve the problems that so many face, including small business owners.”

It becomes easier to understand in light of the vice president’s reputation as the “Word Salad Queen” and she certainly has no peer in the realm of vapidity.

More interesting was Kamala’s call for us to move past the “failed policies” that “we have proven don’t work.”  She should know.  The Biden–Harris administration has done more to harm the economy than any administration since that of Jimmy Carter. The average family is spending $800 more per month to live than they were four years ago.  The Green New Deal spending helped to boost inflation in this country substantially.

The powers that be are wanting to lull us to sleep and tell us how crime is down.  Look at the figures in Washington, D.C.  Murders have risen 35% and robberies by 67% in 2023 alone.  Crime is still very much an issue.  The Democrats just want you to believe it isn’t.  The Biden Department of Justice has released figures showing violent crimes like rape or sexual assault, aggravated assault and robberies increased from 2020 to 2023. According to the DOJ violent crimes increased from 5.6 per 1000 individuals in 2020 to 8.7 per 1000 in 2023.

The mainstream media continues to abuse what little remains of its credibility by fawning over Harris.  Stephanie Ruhle of MSDNC used every excuse in the book and invented some of her own to pardon Harris for not answering questions in one of the vice president’s rare sit-down interviews in a protected media environment.  As to not giving a clear or direct answer, Ruhle gushed, “That’s okay, because we are not talking about clear or direct issues.”

That same interview was the subject of astonishment and horror by no less than the New York Times which has only just now apparently noticed Harris seems unable to answer a direct question with equal directness.

“Since Ms. Harris began granting more interviews in recent days, her media strategy has been to sit with friendly inquisitors who are not inclined to ask terribly thorny questions or press her when her responses are evasive,” the Times reported in rare understatement.

The New York Times coverage of the Ruhle interview with Harris reported, “Ms. Harris responded to the fairly basic and predictable questions with roundabout responses that did not provide a substantive answer.”

Ruhle had done a similar interview with Joe Biden in May 2023 where she praised him during the 14-minute session and never pressed after his fumbling replies.  Surprisingly the New York Times reported Ruhle never asked Harris about whether the vice president had known anything about Joe Biden’s health or inquire about his mental acuity, which led to Biden being pressured into dropping his reelection campaign.

“Ms. Ruhle joined Ms. Harris in attacking Mr. Trump (‘His plan is not serious when you lay it out like that’) and avoided posing tricky questions about positions Ms. Harris supported during her 2020 presidential campaign or what, if anything, she knew about Mr. Biden’s physical condition or mental acuity as his own campaign deteriorated,” the Times reported.

Finally the New York Times observed that Stephanie Ruhle’s bias and clear support was “perhaps why Ms. Harris agreed to the interview in the first place.”  Duh.

While I suppose in a spirit of fairness the Times should be commended for noticing it at all, most of us are exasperated by the fact it has been as obvious as the nose on the collective face.  Impossible not to notice.

Even locally we have those who fail to acknowledge the obvious.  The Knoxville News-Sentinel’s political reporter abruptly admits it’s illegal for non-citizens to vote, but neither she nor her newspaper have ever acknowledged it is equally illegal for non-citizens to enter our country illegally by crossing the border and that’s happened about 20 million times.