Kamala Is Pretending To Be Moderate – She Never Has Been

By John J. Duncan Jr.

Kamala Harris and her supporters are attempting to pull off the biggest scam in U.S. political history.
They are attempting to fool the American people into believing that Harris, who was the most far-Left member of the U.S. Senate, is some type of moderate, middle-of-the-road candidate.
Almost everyone who has any interest in American politics knows that the national media has become possibly the strongest part of the Democratic Party.
The media is now trying to help Harris pull off this scam by smiling and laughing her way into the White House.
Reporters love to ask former President Trump hostile, gotcha, or even rude questions while they swoon over Vice President Harris when she speaks only in platitudes or generalities.
Harris won all her elections in California, our most liberal state, by parading and bragging about her far-Left, radical policies.
Now, she is attempting to become something she never has been and fool the American people by running as fast as she can to the middle.
Last year a California state task force recommended as much as $1.2 million per person for black people who have suffered five different types of discrimination.
This was too much even for the very liberal Governor Gavin Newsom, and his administration essentially defeated several different reparations bills by sending $6,000,000 to the California State University System for further study.
As I write this, a video from 2019 shows Harris telling Rev. Al Sharpton in a smiling, laughingly way how proud she would be to sign a national reparations bill. Unfortunately, this video will probably only be shown on the FOX Network.
Harris is now trying to portray herself as a tough-on-crime prosecutor. Her campaigns, both in past years and now, have taken credit for hundreds of convictions that prosecutors under her handled, and while she almost never served as the lead lawyer in a case that actually went all the way to a jury.
Showing her true colors, she helped raise bail money for people charged with looting and burning Minneapolis and has spoken in the past in favor of no bail laws and against what those on the far-Left call mass incarceration.
A few days ago, the California legislature passed a bill to give illegal immigrants $150,000 in no-interest loans to purchase homes.
Harris has been on record and has said in televised interviews that she favors giving illegal immigrants free everything – healthcare, education, housing, driver’s licenses, etc.
The Biden-Harris administration and big cities in California, New York, and other places have spent billions housing illegal immigrants, often in expensive hotels. Reporters should ask her about this, but probably won’t, so I hope Trump will continue to raise the issue.
Harris wants more immigration because the Democratic Party realizes it needs more black and brown voters to keep winning elections. However, this may end up backfiring on them.
Even the liberal Prime Minister of Canada has announced a crackdown on illegal immigration in anticipation of an election there next year since so many Canadians are getting fed up, as are the minority communities in several American cities.
Harris has come out strongly in favor of electric vehicles. Her administration has been basically forcing the big automakers to invest heavily in these vehicles that very few Americans want.
In July, the Administration gave $1.7 billion to revitalize 11 shuttered or at-risk auto manufacturing facilities to help push EVs. The Detroit News, in reporting this money, said, “Customers are balking at comparatively high prices, voicing concerns with range anxiety, charging availability, and public money subsidizing private industry.”
Harris and the Democrats want much higher gas prices and even more expensive vehicles because they are controlled by environmental extremists who want people to drive less and be forced to use mass transit.
This just scratches the surface of her radical views, because the truth is that Kamala Harris is the most far-Left candidate ever nominated for president by America’s two major political parties.
People from more than 150 countries have come across our southern border in the last year, fleeing socialist-run governments. The worst thing we can do now is elect a socialist, far-Left candidate who will wreck the economy in this country.