Publisher’s Positions

By Steve Hunley

FEMA Fails, Has Become Just Another Woke DEI Bureaucracy

Can anyone possibly be surprised by the emergence of a video showing FEMA officials discussing moving from its mission of serving the greatest number of people to delivering relief on the basis of equity?  This discovery comes on the heels of Americans finding out FEMA has no money to ease the suffering of the millions of people in the Southeast who lost everything due to Hurricane Helene because it spent it all delivering services to illegal aliens.

A webinar held by FEMA was moderated by Tyler Atkins, an emergency management specialist, who worried disasters were more terrible for the LGBTQ community.

“LGBTQIA people, and people who have been disadvantaged and are already struggling.  They already have their own things to deal with.  So you add disaster on top of that, it’s just compounding on itself,” Atkins stated.

Maggie Jarry of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration told participants in the webinar there is a movement in “emergency management from utilitarian principles where everything is designed for the greatest good, for the greatest amount of people, to disaster equity.”  In other words, relief is distributed on the basis of race and sexuality rather than being a human being and American citizen.

Kamala Harris has said the Biden administration would consider “equity” when dividing up disaster relief as Hurricane Ian approached our country.  During a meeting of the Democratic National Committee’s Women’s Leadership Forum, Harris told the audience that it’s “our lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions.”

FEMA has released “Achieving Equitable Recovery: A Post-Disaster Guide for Local Officials and Leaders.”  This gem is supposed to assist community leaders in helping to “rebuild their communities equitably, with the needs of different populations in mind.”

Equity has nothing to do with equality; in fact, equity and equality cannot exist together.  Not only is an equity policy stupid, but it’s also just plain wrong.  American citizens suffering from a natural disaster, many of whom have lost loved ones as well as every material thing they have worked hard to build over a period of years deserve prompt and efficient relief irrespective of race, color, sexuality or any other qualifier save for being human beings.

The Biden administration could serve as a guidebook of how to bungle, boggle and betray Americans who are trying to come back up for air after 40 trillion gallons of water have fallen from the skies upon our homes and businesses in the Southeast.  It is a sad fact that the Biden administration has done more to get in the way of help rather than lend aid and relief to the intense suffering of the people.  The Biden administration has spent $42 billion and not a single person or household has been connected to the internet following the disaster, but God forbid that Elon Musk’s Starlink be used.  Yet contact FEMA and one is told by an automated voice to go online and … go online HOW?

Clearly, FEMA needs fewer bureaucrats and webinars about equity than it does practical experience in delivering service.  There should be no equity in delivering humanitarian services; there should only be human beings helping one another, period.  Those who work for FEMA and feel otherwise are not necessary to the agency’s mission and can be let go to get jobs in other fields outside of social service.


Tax Dollars Should Be Spent At Home First

Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are sending more than $380 million of our tax dollars to Lebanon for “humanitarian aid” while Biden says Congress has to return to appropriate money for people who lost everything in North Carolina.  Evidently, there is plenty of money for humanitarian causes everywhere else on the globe except for the people who provided the money in the first place.  Call it the Biden-Harris “America LAST” pledge.


Illegal Aliens Should Not Be Allowed To Vote

Activist journalists for the Knoxville News Sentinel like to pretend voter fraud never occurs anywhere in this country.  The daily newspaper takes the company line by poo-pooing the notion that illegal aliens vote in our elections, noting it is illegal for non-citizens to vote.  As The Knoxville Focus has pointed out, it is equally illegal for non-citizens to cross our borders and enter our country.

Fully 60 members of Congress have signed a letter – – – including our congressman, Tim Burchett, as well as Senators Bill Hagerty and Marsha Blackburn – – – addressed to Attorney General Merrick Garland about illegal aliens voting.  The most recent letter is dated October 2 and follows a first letter as – – – surprise, surprise – – – there has been no response from the Attorney General or the Department of Justice.

The letter details the report from the Attorney General of Virginia announcing that there were 6,303 non-citizens identified and removed from voter rolls in that state.  Over 6,500 non-citizens had similarly been identified and removed from voter rolls in Texas.  Of those 6,500 non-citizens, 1,930 had a history as a voter.

The 60 members of Congress have posed some very good questions, including demanding the Department of Justice identify the number of aliens who have been charged, tried and convicted, as well as the status of each case.  The letter asks the same question about various provisions of the law which were violated by non-citizens voting.

The congresspeople want to know the number of referrals received from other government officials or the public in reference to those statutes that have been violated.

How does the Department of Justice investigate allegations received of non-citizen voting or voter registration?

What steps have the Department of Justice taken to detect, prevent, and deter illegal aliens and other non-citizens from registering and voting in federal elections? To obtain relevant information from the Department of Homeland Security on aliens who have registered or voted in elections?

What steps have been taken by U.S. Attorneys and the Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division, which is responsible for prosecuting election crimes and assisting U.S. Attorneys in prosecuting election crimes, to obtain jury-related information that indicates aliens have unlawfully registered to vote?

The letter also asks Garland about whether the Department of Justice has even communicated with either Virginia or Texas about non-citizens having been removed from the voter rolls and voting illegally.

There are a great many things that are illegal, but the Left and the Biden administration have chosen not to prosecute those who violated our country’s laws.

Mentioning that something is already illegal and ignoring the fact the current administration is not enforcing the law is smug, self-righteous and downright dishonest.