Civics 101

The Supreme Court needs to rein in the lawfare, or we don’t have a country.

Miranda Devine

By Dr. Jim Ferguson

I don’t know if they require civics in school any longer, but when I was in the eighth grade good ol’ Ms. Coatney – nicknamed “Surfer Girl” because of the Beach Boys’ song, not because we imagined her in a bikini – was professor of basic citizenship at Tyson Junior High School. I didn’t appreciate her lessons at the time, but something must have clicked in the mind of this pubescent boy. We read George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” that year and I remember the injustice and tyranny of the pigs. And later I read Orwell’s Stalen-esque “1984” with horror. Great books, hindsight and reflection are great teachers.

This week I venture into the troubled turf war between the executive and judicial branches of government because this citizen soldier was provoked. And I have a platform and a “pen,” though not a Biden autopen that his managers used to run our country into the ground.

Disturbingly, Democrat obstinance and judicial activism have not gone away with President Trump’s historic election triumph over lawfare, spying on his campaign authorized by the corrupt FISA Court, persecution of Trump and his family, attempts to prevent him from running for president, invading his home, bogus impeachments and finally attempted assassinations.

I was taught that we have three co-equal branches of government: legislative, executive and judicial. But constitutional experts and students of the Federalist Papers – written to explain The Constitution – have challenged this notion. The legislature is constitutionally empowered to write laws that are then implemented by the executive branch. The judicial system is supposed to make sure that laws are consistent with the Constitution, rather than making “new law” through judicial interpretation.

The Founders did not envision the judiciary as co-equal to the other branches of government. Apparently, we have many federal judges who don’t understand their narrow purpose. Actually, I think these robed barristers are not uneducated in the Constitution or civics; they are just ideologically driven activists.

The federal judge who provoked this citizen-soldier demanded that President Trump not deport criminal aliens, many of whom had also been convicted of heinous crimes in their own countries. By contrast, I guess it was OK for Biden to fly illegals into America. Fortunately, the judge’s order was too late for the planes loaded with criminals destined for the huge prison in El Salvador to turn around. Secretary of State Marco Rubio thanked President Bukele for incarcerating these dangerous gangsters “for a very reasonable price.”

Doxing is the malicious tactic of publishing personal information, like an address, which puts people at risk. I won’t resort to this dangerous leftist tactic, but everyone should know of Obama-appointed Judge James Boasberg who wanted to protect Venezuelan criminals and gangsters instead of U.S. citizens. This same leftist abused his position on the infamous FISA Court to jail J6 Americans and sent 70 Trump supporters to prison on fabricated 1512c charges which were later overturned by SCOTUS.

The principle of judicial review originated with Marbury v. Madison in 1803. Unfortunately, it has been expanded to the point that an unelected judge can delay or stop the actions of the duly elected President. Where does it stop? Does a judge presume to control the Commander in Chief’s recent attack against Houthis?

Newt Gingrich describes a “runaway judiciary” where 125 lawsuits have been filed this year to thwart President Trump’s executive branch. Gingrich says the judiciary has become the “last castle of left-wing nutism.” El Salvador President Bukele said, “The U.S. is facing a judicial coup.” Congress is supposed to oversee the judiciary. But given judicial activism and the absence of impeachment of a judge in more than thirty years, Congress is again neglectful.

Lately I’ve been thinking, do criminals or aliens have the same rights as law-abiding citizens? Our government was instituted to protect “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Thomas Jefferson borrowed from John Locke who said governments were instituted to protect citizen’s “life, liberty and property.”

The notion of a social contract between citizens and government was developed by Thomas Hobbes in his book “Leviathan.” We surrender some freedom for the government’s promise of protection. In fact, without an agreement between citizens and government, Hobbes said the life of man in nature would be “nasty, brutish and short.” And the meanest brute in the neighborhood would rule.

Do I have the expectation of a social contract if some federal judge prevents the president from protecting me from criminals, gang members, and those who have broken our laws? Apparently, not! Then what good is a system that does not protect me and treats criminals and aliens like citizens?

I asked Grok 3, the AI (artificial intelligence) agent of Elon Musk’s X platform, whether my rights and a criminal’s rights are the same. The answer was no, but the “extent of the difference depends on the jurisdiction and the context.”

I agree with the concept of fundamental rights such as life, freedom from torture and a fair trial, at least in America. I suspect my rights would be different in Russia or Iran. Felons lose the right to vote or possess firearms but should be fed and receive humane treatment, including medical care. However, I object to sex change treatment for prisoners paid for by taxpayers. But should a citizen who criminally breaks into my home to steal or threaten me have the same rights as a law-abiding citizen? I say “No!” But what about someone in our country illegally?

Battles between the branches of our government have occurred many times during the nearly 250 years of the country. The current battle between the executive and judicial branches arose because Democrats hate President Trump and are using the judicial branch of government to oppose his agenda. Democrats lost the election, but can’t accept this reality. Their hatred is a sickness and has made them delusional (nonrational). If hatred is what motivates you, this doctor recommends professional and spiritual help.

Democrat’s TDS (Trump derangement syndrome) has even spread to Elon Musk as MDS. Bartender AOC claims Musk (the modern genius who brought the astronauts home) is “unintelligent.” Chuck Schumer called Congressional supporters of Trump, “bastards.” And Maxine Waters claims Trump is “working towards a civil war.”

Imbalanced legislators and judges have fundamental rights, but hurting others with their rants, rulings or laws is unacceptable and violates the American social contract.