Dave Wright elected County Commission Chairman
By Mike Steely
By a vote of the Knox County Commission, Commissioner Dave Wright of the 8th District was elected chairman during a called meeting Tuesday. In a split vote Commissioner Bob Thomas, serving his first term as At-Large Seat 10, was selected to be vice chairman.
“I am honored and humbled. I hope I can live up to your expectations,” said Wright, who took the chairman’s seat and headed the remainder of the meeting.
Wright was nominated by Commissioner Randy Smith and elected by all commissioners present. He replaces Commissioner Brad Anders as chairman.
The vice chair position saw two nominations, Bob Thomas and Randy Smith. The vote was 6-4. Commissioner Amy Broyles nominated Smith and Commissioner John Schoonmaker nominated Thomas. Voting for Thomas were Commissioners Charles Busler, Ed Brantley, Schoonmaker, Wright, and Thomas. Commissioner Jeff Ownby, who had passed, then voted for Thomas.
The commission moved to committee assignments. Each committee member elected a chairperson and only those committee members voted. Each chair then asked for nominations for vice chair.
The Cable TV Committee chair will be Ownby with Commissioner Sam McKenzie, who was not present, as vice chair.
The Court Subcommittee will be headed by past-chairman Anders with vice chair going to Busler. The Finance Committee will be chaired by Smith with Brantley as vice chair.
The Insolvency Board will be headed by McKenzie. Since he was absent during the special called meeting, the selection of a vice chair will await the next commission work session.
The Rules Committee will be chaired by Busler with Commissioner Mike Brown as vice chair.
The Knox County Development Corporation includes four commissioners but will not select a chairman until the next regular commission meeting. Randy Smith and Ed Brantley were nominated and the vote was split 5-5 . It was assumed that McKenzie might break the tie vote.
Supporting Smith were Broyles, Smith, Ownby, Anders and Brown. Supporting Brantley was Schoonmaker, Busler, Wright, Thomas and Brantley.
The four members of the Joint Education Committee will be Anders, McKenzie, Ownby and Busler. Anders replaces Broyles who said she does not have time to serve.