I am offering a crowd source article. Sorry I can’t offer any money, but I can offer you a voice. The final copy must have the approval of my publisher and my editor. It will appear on this blog. I want to know what you think. This is open to everyone.  I will only be including first names.  Unless it is a parent or I have parent permission. I have written in detail about the South Doyle community. However, now I would like to give the South Doyle community an opportunity to write in detail about their experience. Again this is open to everyone.


So here we go. Please respond to the questions with your name and association with the South Doyle community. My  email address is andrewsd@knoxfocus.com


“What message do you want people to know about the South Doyle Football season ? ”

2) Your thoughts memories suggestions about South Doyle’s  amazing run?


Deadline 11/17/2014 12:01am

Deadline 11/17/2014 12:01am