May is National Bike Month, and the Knoxville region has many free rides, classes and events to celebrate. The month kicks off with the I Bike KNX Festival and Neighborhood Bike Ride on Sunday, May 5 at Market Square.
The festival runs from 2-5 p.m. and showcases local bicycle resources, including area clubs and bike shops. The MUSE will have a booth where you can make bicycle-themed jewelry, and participate in a challenge to build something out of bicycle parts. There will also be local cyclists performing stunts on the stage between 3:30 and 4:30 p.m.
The 13th annual Neighborhood Bike Ride starts at 2:30 p.m. and is less than 5 miles long. The theme of the ride is Cinco de Mayo, and prizes will be awarded for best decorations. Mast General Store is providing lemonade after the ride.
More details, and more Bike Month events, rides and classes are listed online at