For the last 24 hours I have been meeting with high level officials in my ongoing investigative report regarding ‘World’s Fair Park’ where the Sunsphere is located. The problem that I observed is that there appears to be no bike racks in WFP.
So I contacted bicycle groups, city officials, and the Public Building Authority… Turns out one of the bicycle groups can get bike racks for free! This is in the ultra early stages, but has a lot of momentum. The theory is that the bike racks be possibly placed near the restrooms and security building. More specifically, on the side where vending machines are. The great part about this, if this plan can happen, and by all appearances, I really think it will happen…then this will possibly help bring in more eco-tourism. Simply stated tourists who bring their bikes to Knoxville need a safe place to lock them .Security cameras, a guard station, and a strong bike rack, all in the same vicinity, will allow tourists and even local residents, the opportunity to enjoy all that WFP has to offer ..Developing!
Dan Andrews…reporting