Keep Knoxville Beautiful (KKB) will be hosting their first annual East Knoxville Community Cleanup on Saturday, September 18, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The event will kick off at Eternal Life Harvest Center East, 2410 Martin Luther King Junior Avenue Knoxville, TN, 37915.
KKB is looking for individuals, neighborhood groups, businesses, and more to participate in the cleanup. Volunteers can sign up as an individual or a group at
Leaders from various neighborhoods and local community organizations will collect cleanup supplies at Eternal Life Harvest Center East, then return to volunteers waiting at their designated locations to pick up litter. Participating organizations include Mabry Hazen House, Theta Chi Fraternity, Studio Four Design, and The Muse.
Individuals who do not have an official group but want to participate will clean up in the Five Points area.
This cleanup is made possible by a grant from Keep America Beautiful and in partnership with the City of Knoxville, Knox County Solid Waste, Five Points Up, and Nobody Trashes Tennessee.