~ from the Office of Neighborhoods

The Office of Neighborhoods will host an advanced workshop on how to make full use of www.kgis.org on Thursday, Apr. 25. The workshop will be held at the City’s Public Works Building, 3131 Morris Ave., from 6 to 8 p.m.


Previously, the Office of Neighborhoods held a beginner’s workshop on the use of KGIS— the Knoxville, Knox County, KUB Geographical Information System — by neighborhood groups.


In addition to picking up tips and understanding how to use various tools and applications, participants will learn how to navigate the neighborhood KGIS app – the Neighborhood Groups Viewer, which maps the boundaries of neighborhood groups in the city.


Wi-Fi is available. The first 15 participants to bring a laptop will be able to log on to the website during the workshop. If you plan to attend, please notify Debbie Sharp at dsharp@knoxvilletn.gov or leave your name and contact information at 215-4382.