Get ready, Knoxville. Authentic, big city kosher deli will be available here…for one day only.


New York City is the home of kosher Jewish cuisine that can be difficult to find in smaller southern cities or outside of the Big Apple. One example is the “overstuffed” sandwich made famous by iconic restaurants like Carnegie Deli, Katz’s (featured in the classic film “When Harry Met Sally), or Second Avenue Deli.


On Sunday, September 18, the search is over — for just one day. Anyone can enjoy kosher deli direct from New York at the “Knoshville” Deli Event fundraiser hosted at the Arnstein Jewish Community Center by the Knoxville Jewish Alliance, and Chabad of Knoxville.


“Often, deli sandwiches are ‘kosher style,’ which means the meat used to make them isn’t certified kosher, and does not have the full authentic flavor,” said Deborah Oleshansky, Knoxville Jewish Alliance Executive Director. She continued, “Deli sandwich purists outside of major metros are usually on the hunt for ‘the real thing.’ These definitely are, so make sure to grab one while you can!”


Featured sandwiches will include kosher corned beef, pastrami, roasted turkey, and salami straight from New York. Vegetarians can enjoy local chef Marilyn Burnett’s delicious veggie “chopped liver.” Overstuffed sandwiches and a junior version will be available, with kosher pickles and trimmings, cole slaw, sides and drinks.


Knoshville Jewish Food Deli event

Sunday, September 18 • 12:00 noon – 3:00PM

Arnstein Jewish Community Center (AJCC), 6800 Deane Hill Drive

Prices will range from $10.00 – $20.00.

Cash and credit cards accepted for this fundraiser

Additional parking and shuttle service available at Lighthouse Knoxville, 6800 Baum Drive


Event attendees will also enjoy an arts and crafts fair with over 20 vendors, hosted by Heska Amuna Synagogue’s Sisterhood (women’s club).


Please note: In respect of kashrut, the kosher Jewish dietary laws and traditions, no dairy items will be available at this event. Authentic Jewish, kosher deli means “turkey and Swiss” isn’t an option!


The entire community is invited to attend and enjoy.