~ from the North Knoxville Business & Professional Association


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March 10th – Crime Stoppers at Emerald Youth

2nd Friday of every month, networking begins at 7:45 and the meeting begins at 8am.

Join us for our March 10th meeting at the Emerald Youth gym at 1718 N. Central St. Our breakfast sponsor this month is Broadway Carpets.

Our speaker will be Stacey Payne. Payne retired from a career in law enforcement in 2019. She and her husband, who also retired from a career in law enforcement, made the move to Tennessee to join their youngest son. Payne’s son is currently a sergeant at a local agency and represents the 4th generation of law enforcement officers in their family. She also has two nephews who are sergeants in the area.

Payne’s retirement was short-lived and she found she couldn’t sit at home any longer and joined the Knoxville Police Department. Her first position was in their Planning & Grants unit, and then she helped form East Tennessee Valley Crime Stoppers.

East Tennessee Valley Crime Stoppers is comprised of active and dedicated community representatives. They provide a method for law enforcement to receive information on crimes and for community members to share information on criminal activity, and the location of fugitives in an anonymous manner and receive cash rewards for tips leading to an arrest. These efforts increase tips, which in turn increase arrests in our community thereby making our communities a safer place to live, work and visit.

We hope to see you at this informative meeting. Please register to attend as space is limited and we need an accurate headcount for breakfast. Don’t forget to thank Broadway Carpets!

Don’t forget if you haven’t paid your dues for this year you need to RENEW or JOIN NOW!

Please register to attend as space is limited and we need an accurate headcount for breakfast.

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