At the PBA meeting Tuesday, PBA board member Hubert Smith (pictured above) asked that the topic of the garage under the City County Building (aka CCB) be a discussion item. He did this because the County Commission on Monday will be taking up a number of issues about the garage. Issues ranging from public parking to pricing rates were discussed.
On the topic of public parking. The main issue here is safety. The primary concern is preventing a revenge attack against the District Attorney’s office. The second major worry is preventing a jail incident.
In an interesting note. CEO of the PBA Dale Smith recalled when former City Mayor Victor Ashe wanted the garage open to the public. County Mayor Mike Ragsdale objected. So CEO Dale Smith sent an email to Mayor Ashe saying he would be more then willing to open the garage if the city would take full legal responsibility, social responsibility for any act of terror resulting in injury or death, and financial responsibility for increased insurance rates on the building as well as full financial responsibility for any damage to the building. Mayor Ashe never responded and the garage has remained closed to this day.