This year, in lieu of the annual Festival on the Fourth Celebration, the City of Knoxville will celebrate the “Neighborhood Trails of Red, White, and Blue.” This fun, new, neighborhood-centric event encourages neighborhoods to decorate your homes, porches, mailboxes, cars, siblings, pets, and whatever else you want, in red and white and blue!


So far, eight neighborhoods are registered! Join Historic Fourth and Gill Neighborhood Organization, Historic Gibbs Drive Neighborhood Association, Northwest Hills Subdivision, Old North Knoxville Inc., Southside Waterfront Neighborhood Association, RiverHill Gateway Neighborhood Association, Vestal Community Organization, and We Care Neighborhood Watch in showing off your neighborhood sprit! Register a couple of streets in your neighborhood by June 10, and be featured on the “Neighborhood Trails of Red, White, and Blue,” trails from July 3 to 5!


Neighbors from across Knoxville will get a map and follow the “blue” trail to see all the creative ideas your neighborhood has on display. Judges and a caravan parade will come through on the 4^th to spread more celebration and see whose neighborhood is the most “red, white, and blue.”


Register by June 10, by contacting Eden Slater at or 215-2113, and take part in the fun!