~ from the Office of Neighborhoods


Does your neighborhood plan to participate in this year’s National Night Out on Tuesday, Oct. 13? While it may look a little different, the City of Knoxville is still participating in the 37^th annual National Night Out (NNO) celebration!

Registration closes on Friday, Oct. 9!

Show support for police-community relations, first responders, and a safer community by participating.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, large group gatherings are discouraged. There are still fun, safe ways for your neighborhood to both participate and show support for local emergency responders. Take a look at the following options:

* Decorate in Blue

* Drive Through

* Leave your Lights On

* Send Thank You cards


Decorate in Blue – Decorate your mailboxes, yards, houses, etc., with signs supporting the police, sidewalk chalk, or any other creative ideas. In your registration, include the major streets your neighborhood would like to highlight for Police Officers, Fire Fighters, First Responders, and City Council, to drive through and see your support.


Drive Through – Decorate in blue AND encourage your neighbors to come out in their yards to wave to the police and first responders as they drive through. When your neighborhood registers for this activity, make sure you include the timeframes neighbors will be out to cheer, as well as the major streets participating. As time allows and at the officers’ discretion, KPD officers will plan to drive through to join in the celebration.


Leave Your Lights On – This traditional way neighborhoods can show support for the police is a classic NNO option. Leave your porch and outdoor lights on, and officers will do their best to drive through and see your support.


Send Thank You Cards – Simply sending a thank you card to KPD, a specific officer, an officer liaison, and/or Chief Eve Thomas, is another way to show support. Send mail to: KPD, National Night Out, 400 Main St., Knoxville, TN 37901.


NNO is an annual community-building campaign that promotes partnerships between police and residents to make neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. NNO provides an opportunity to enhance relationships between neighbors and law enforcement while engendering a sense of community under positive circumstances.


All neighborhoods are encouraged to participate! How will your neighborhood celebrate this year?


To register, please send an email to KPD’s Officer John Morgan at jmorgan@knoxvilletn.gov AND the OON’s Eden Slater at eslater@knoxvilletn.gov  including the following information:

* Neighborhood Name

* Contact Name

* Contact Email

* Contact Phone #

* Which of the four activities your neighborhood plans to do

* Location

* Start Time

* End Time

* And, if you would like a drive-through, which main streets plan to participate.


Registration closes on Friday, Oct. 9!