Hello Friends and Family,

The Bars of Market Square remain open normal hours and all concerts and events will proceed as scheduled.

That said, the safety of our staff-family and guests-family is our top priority. This message is to let everyone know that we are taking extra precautions to ensure everyone stays healthy. In addition to our normal daily schedules of our staff of four cleaners, and regimens of kitchen and bar staff:

We are sanitizing door handles, surfaces, bars, etc. on a regular basis throughout each shift.

We have placed additional sanitizer dispensers around our bars.

Staff have been instructed to never come to work if they experience symptoms of sickness.

We ask that our guests follow guidelines provided by the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of sickness, please be courteous of others and stay home.


Health and Freedom,

Bernadette and Scott
