When: 1-6 p.m. Friday, June 29, 2018


Where: Pellissippi State Community College, 1610 E. Magnolia Ave.


Who: Mayor Madeline Rogero; boys and young men of color between the ages of 14 and 24; former UT football player and local DJ personality Sterling “Sterl the Pearl” Henton, who will deliver the keynote address; Clarence Vaughn; Executive Director of the City’s Police Advisory & Review Committee (PARC); retired engineering executive and decorated Vietnam veteran Sammie C. Harris; and Kevin A. Perry, Save Our Sons Outreach Manager.


The City of Knoxville’s Save Our Sons initiative and Pellissippi State Community College present the Sons Summit 2018, an afternoon of speakers and workshops focused on encouraging and empowering young men with the necessary skills and resources to pursue sustainable employment. Workshop topics include: financial literacy, workforce readiness, etiquette and dressing for success.

Admission is free, but registration is required: https://sonssummit2018.eventbrite.com. Lunch will be included.

“Save Our Sons is excited to work with our partner Pellissippi State Community College to provide a day that helps young men of color capitalize on strategies that highlight their strengths,” said SOS Outreach Manager Kevin Perry. “We are continuing to promote partners and activities that help young men overcome negative situations and develop positive cultural mindsets that can be used to steer them onto healthy, successful paths.”

The first 15 Sons to register for the Summit will receive free movie tickets from Regal Entertainment Group. At the event, door prizes will be given away to participants. For additional information, contact Tatia M. Harris at 865-215-2831 or Kevin Perry at 865-215-2589.

  • http://KnoxvilleTN.gov/SaveOurSons
  • https://www.facebook.com/SOSknoxville/
  • https://twitter.com/sosknoxville