The Tennessee Artist’s Association will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 17th at 7:00 p.m. at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 6500 Northshore Dr., Knoxville.  This meeting is free and open to anyone interested in the arts in East Tennessee.  Refreshments will be served.
September’s program will feature Allan Sibley, artist and President of the East Tennessee Arts Center, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the arts to communities through art camps, workshops, and other art events and activities.  Sibley is originally from London, England and now resides in Sweetwater, TN.  After a career in commercial advertising and graphic design, Allan currently works in a variety of mediums and enjoys exploring many subjects.
You can find more about Sibley’s work on Instagram @, and the East Tennessee Arts Center at
Tennessee Artists Association – A place to learn and grow as an artist.  Monthly programs of TAA include practical art demonstrations, discussions, and opportunities for individual artists to get involved in learning, community and shows.  More on the Tennessee Artist’s Association can be found on the web at, on Instagram at @tn_artists, and on Facebook at TNArtistsAssociation.