Over the weekend I contacted the General Manager of Knoxville Area Transit, and I requested information on why the Farragut Express bus route that was eliminated seven months ago yet still has a bus shelter. Here is her reply:
“Hello Dan:
The shelter located at the Farragut Park and Ride lot was purchased by a grant that the Town of Farragut received to install the lot and shelter. KAT does not own that shelter and has no authority to relocate it.
The issue with the UT shelter removal is that KAT could potentially be claimed liable if someone claimed damage or injury due to an improperly restored sidewalk if KAT removed the shelter and restored the sidewalk.
Hope this helps. Your interest is always appreciated, thank you, ”
Today I requested information regarding two televisions that are not in use in the KAT waiting area. Again Cindy McGinnis, the GM of KAT, responded almost immediately with this response:
“Hello again, more good questions! The large screen was intended for our passenger technology information to feature a map with real time bus locations. That part of a recent project was delayed by the City’s Information Systems Department and should happen. The smaller screen was to be used for solar related messages that never came to pass. One screen in the near future will be used by Visit Knoxville, and we are excited because the locations that will be featured will have tags with the KAT route # that serves the featured location.”
Dan Andrews reporting…