The Alzheimer’s Association presents its five-part series The Empowered Caregiver

Free and Virtual webinars to share resources for caregivers

The Alzheimer’s Association is committed to not only finding a cure for Alzheimer’s and dementia but to support those who are living with the disease as well as providing care and support for their
care partners. This July, the Alzheimer’s Association is launching its five-part virtual webinar series, “The Empowered Caregiver,” providing the foundations of caregiving.
This five-part series will take place on five consecutive Wednesdays throughout July and the first week of August. This is a free and virtual program. To register, visit:

The subjects covered are as follows:

July 10: Building Foundations of Caregiving
Building Foundations of Caregiving explores the role of caregivers and the changes they may experience, building a support team and managing caregiver stress.

July 17: Supporting Independence
Supporting Independence focuses on helping the person living with dementia take part in daily activities, providing the right amount of support and balancing safety and independence while managing expectations.

July 24: Communicating Effectively
Communicating Effectively teaches how dementia affects communication, including tips for communicating well with family, friends and healthcare professionals.

July 31: Responding to Dementia-Related Behaviors

Responding to Dementia-Related Behaviors details common behavior changes and how they are a form of communication, non-medical approaches to behaviors, and recognizing when additional help is needed.

Aug. 7: Exploring Care and Support Services
Exploring Care and Support Services examines how best to prepare for future care decisions and changes, including respite care, residential care and end-of life care.