TOWN HALL EAST Community Meeting Monday, Jan. 13, at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of Eastminster Presbyterian Church: What to Expect of Development in East Knoxville

~ from Town Hall East

The program for our community meeting Monday, January 13, was inspired by discussions and questions about the 670-unit development proposed for Delrose Drive. What development can we expect in the near term in East Knoxville and who decides important questions such as the adequacy of utilities at the site and whether the roads are sufficient to support development?

Our distinguished discussants will be Curtis Williams, Engineering Planning Chief with the City of Knoxville; Jessie Hillman, Principal Planner for Knoxville/Knox County Planning; and Councilwoman Lauren Rider, whose expertise in questions of zoning and planning was apparent in the debates surrounding Knoxville’s rewrite of its zoning code in 2019.

We will meet at our usual time and place, 7 p.m. in the Rust Fellowship Hall. Rust Fellowship Hall is located off Holston Drive behind Eastminster Presbyterian Church, 4904 Asheville Highway.