Monday, January 9th, 7:o0 PM
Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall
What are the big issues facing our community? What do our elected officials think? Do we agree?
Do you know who they are?
Come to our open community meeting, meet five of your elected representatives, and let’s discuss the hopes and frustrations facing our neighborhood communities in East Knoxville.
After all, 2023 is a brand-new year!
Town Hall East fortunately has broad representation: two County Commissioners and two City Councilors representing our districts will tell us what is on their minds for the coming year. Their districts cover most of East Knoxville. We also asked an At-Large County Commissioner who strongly advocates for school playgrounds to take part, an issue that has been of particular concern to us. The evening offers a real chance for our entire East Knoxville community to come, hear, and talk with the elected officials who represent them.