“Creating a Bird Friendly Yard”

A Pre-Recorded Zoom Program Sponsored by the UT Arboretum Society on January 2

Watching birds come and go from our yards lowers our blood pressure, and it’s a peaceful, soothing activity for the cold winter months.  Providing the proper seeds, feeders, nestboxes, birdbaths, berry-producing shrubs and flowers improves the lives of the birds as well.

Join UT Arboretum education coordinator, Michelle Campanis, and naturalist/author, Stephen Lyn Bales, via Zoom for a pre-recorded program “Creating a Bird-friendly Yard” and learn how to keep your backyard birds happy and healthy!

The January First Thursday Supper Club presentation is sponsored by the UT Arboretum Society. The program scheduled for January 2 will be pre-recorded and sent to everyone who registers to watch at their convenience. Register at www.utarboretumsociety.org under Programs. Closed captions are available. Please contact Michelle at mcampani@utk.edu for any questions or registration issues.

To contact Stephen Lyn Bales or buy one of his UT Press books, email him at hellostephenlyn@gmail.com.

 The Forest Resources AgResearch and Education Center celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2025. It is one of the ten University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture AgResearch and Education Centers located throughout Tennessee. The Institute of Agriculture also provides instruction, research and public service through the UT Herbert College of Agriculture, the UT College of Veterinary Medicine, UT AgResearch and UT Extension offices, with locations in every county in the state.

To learn more about the Arboretum Society, go to www.utarboretumsociety.org.