Multi-use stadium before commission
By Mike Steely
Senior Writer
Another step in the approval of a multi-use stadium in Knoxville’s Old City is before the Knox County Commission today. The commissioners are being asked by Mayor Glenn Jacobs and the finance department to approve an “Interlocal Project Agreement.”
The agreement must also be approved by the City of Knoxville and the Sports Authority. The stadium, proposed by developer Randy Boyd, would be built by bonds issued by the Sports Authority and, when completed, it would be leased to Boyd’s company for his baseball team and for other events.
In other action, the commissioners may finally vote to accept the Powell Community property at 316 Emory Road and create the Collier Preserve. The donation by Legacy Parks Foundation has been on and off the agenda since May.
The commission may also give the final reading to approve repealing and replacing the litter portion of the county charter, creating a litter control officer, and placing specific fines on various forms of littering including posted signs on utility poles and right-of-ways and dumping.
Knoxville-Knox County Planning may be asked to update the Zoning Ordinance to reflect its name change from “Metropolitan Planning Committee.”
The Rules Committee is recommending that all committees with a commissioner as a member submit at least one written report to the commission each year by August 1st. Other changes in commission rules on the agenda for tonight include setting new rules for rezoning requests and appeals.
The law director is recommending several changes to adopt provisions of the Tennessee Code for the Sheriff’s Civil Service Law of 1974. The first reading of the ordinance may bring some replies from the Civil Service Board.
Within the school system’s agenda items, which must be approved by law, the commissioners will probably agree to a state grant to schools for in-kind services from the Knox County Sheriff’s Office and Knoxville City Police. The $1.3 million Safe Schools Grant has a match of $474,591 in manpower provided by the law enforcement agencies.