2024: The Year Of Whoppers

By Steve Hunley
As the New Year approaches many Americans are feeling a sense of optimism.  In thinking over the last year, I can’t remember a time in my life when the American people have been treated like they were utterly ignorant and lied to by the corporate media and by Joe Biden and his administration.  It seems like a good time to recap some of the whoppers we’ve been told during 2024.

There are two lies I think that vie for the title of Biggest Whopper of the Year.  The first is easily the most obvious, which is Joe Biden’s repeated pledge that he would NOT pardon his son Hunter.  Outside of leftist Democrats, I don’t think there was anyone in America who believed it, but it sure was fun watching how shocked and surprised the minions in the media who had told us, day and night, day after day, that Joe Biden would never, ever pardon his son.  Anyone who was not a regular viewer of DNCNBC and CNN could see it coming.  It ranked right up there with Joe Biden never, ever talked to his son about Hunter’s business dealings.  Photos with Chinese clients and Hunter Biden and his daddy continue to come out this week, one after the other.  Yet mainstream media outlets haven’t learned anything from the people having rejected their chosen narratives.  To hear them tell it, the biggest whopper of the year involves Trump saying illegal aliens were eating people’s pets.  They were horrified by that, but then again they also insisted there was no crisis at the southern border for 3 ½ years along with Biden.  That was “Politifact’s” Lie of the Year.  Really?  Politifact was one of those outlets which tried to hide Joe Biden’s all-too-obvious mental decline from the American people.  No one who insists he or she is a journalist and never reported on that fact has no claim to the title.  Don’t you think Biden’s mental acuity is a little bit more important than saying illegals are eating pets?  And frankly, shouldn’t every honest media outlet be pointing out those media entities that utterly failed as journalists and reporters.  In fact, CNN and DNCNBC were complicit in lying to the American people on a scale never seen before.

The second lie vying for the “Biggest Whopper of the Year” is a collective one, told by the White House and their puppets in the media that Joe Biden was as sharp as a tack.  We were told, over and over again, that Joe Biden, a guy who could not hardly walk up a staircase, ran circles around his aides in the White House.  We were told Biden was issuing that order and asking about this policy and they maintained that fiction right up until the first debate with Donald Trump when he couldn’t finish a cogent sentence.  Who can forget the imbecilic Joe Scarborough squalling Joe Biden was the best he had ever been.  That very might be true, but if it was, then the poor old thing was in a sorry state indeed.

Virtually every talking head on CNN and MSNBC swore up and down Joe Biden was sharp as a tack. It was not only the idiotic Joe Scarborough.  Nancy Pelosi swore Biden was “very sharp.”  That was before the debate and she helped to murder Biden politically along with Barack Obama.  Kamala Harris said, “Our president is in good shape, in good health, and is ready to lead in our second term.”  Yep, she really said that.  It is any wonder that Kamala didn’t want to be asked any question that went beyond her name and what office she held?  The crime is the corporate media never pursued her for an explanation for that statement, or ask had something changed?  Did Joe’s dementia occur overnight?

Virtually every Democrat in Congress agreed Joe Biden was a wonder of the world, a living miracle after Americans had heard him tell weird tales, like his Uncle “Bosie” having been eaten by cannibals, things that never happened except perhaps inside his pudding-filled head.

Those few journalists who did raise the question about Biden’s fitness for office were, as the Left always does, were personally attacked.  Pelosi threw a hissy fit when the Wall Street Journal questioned Biden’s mental acuity, pointing to how many Democrats had attested to Biden’s mental competence.  Did the press ask each of them, including Pelosi, to explain what had changed so quickly?  It was evident then and it’s evident now, they were just bold faced lying to the American people and the majority of the people knew it.

The same set of elitists did an about face to get rid of Joe Biden when the cat not only jumped out of the bag but pooped right there on the debate stage in front of everybody.  If everybody who had lied to our faces was taken off the air or lost their careers as “journalists” and “reporters” CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, and MSNBC would have a heck of a lot more air time to sell.

The very same people who lied to our faces now want to tell us a comment about illegals eating pets in Ohio was the biggest lie of the year.  Joe Biden has his trembling old finger on the nuclear button, that seems a bit more concerning to most intelligent Americans.  Clearly, the smartest people in this country aren’t the elitists.  They thought they had the rest of us fooled.  They thought that we would just follow along and do what they told us, that we would believe whatever they told us.  Yet they were the ones who were surprised in the end.  They still haven’t learned to be honest with the American people.  They are the stupidest supposed smart people I’ve ever seen.

Thank You For Reading And Happy New Year

The folks here at The Knoxville Focus truly appreciate your reading our newspaper.  We are grateful to you, our readers.  We thank you for your kindness and your loyalty.  We try to bring you a good newspaper each and every week.  As we end 2024 we thank you for reading.  For the New Year of 2025, we wish you and your family all of God’s Blessings, good health and happiness!  HAPPY NEW YEAR!