Are the Liberal Media and Elites Abandoning Biden?

 By Steve Hunley

Suddenly voices are being raised about the egregiously obvious cognitive decline of Joe Biden.  That fount of knowledge and “statesman” George Clooney, who hosted a fundraiser in Hollywood that brought in $30 million for the Biden campaign, has just said the Biden at the debate was the same Biden who attended the fundraiser.  Who knew?

When Barack Obama had to take Biden by the hand and lead him off the stage in front of the Hollywood elitists like a 5-year-old, the denials rang out that Biden was just as fine as a new coat of paint.

Joe Scarborough of the “Morning Joe Show” on DSNBC, just a week or two ago hollered Biden was “better than he’s ever been.”  Of course, Scarborough’s brain turned to pudding after he married his Leftist cohost and why anybody would take anything he says seriously is beyond me, but his tune changed after the debate exposed the true state of Biden’s mentality.  Americans have been told over and over and over again, Joe Biden was incisive, sharp, asking pointed questions and had a thorough understanding of issues.  Not hardly.

But to question any of that was the equivalent of setting fire to a nest of baby chicks.

The point is, where have all these people who are suddenly raising their voices in alarm been all this time?  If George Clooney loved America so much, why didn’t he write his letter the day after the fundraiser when he saw Biden’s true mental state?  Because they have all been complicit in the attempt to gaslight the people of this country.  These are the same people who have been telling us how alert, how sharp, how laser-focused Joe Biden is.  In short, these are the people who have been trying to hold together the lie that Joe Biden is just as sharp as a tack.

Chuck Todd reveals that “a senior Biden Cabinet official” had told him two years ago that Biden couldn’t run again “like this.” Did Chuck tell anybody that during the ensuing two years?  Nope, not until it came time to try and elbow Biden off the ticket.

The very same mockingbird media that has spent the last 3 ½ years spoon feeding the people of America a pack of lies about Biden’s competence, mental vigor, and capability has now turned on him like a pack of rabid hyenas.  Now, unable to maintain the fiction any longer, something needs to be done, yet they all knew it.

Exposed, they are trying to shamelessly divert our attention so that we don’t think about how they’ve lied to us without end.  Remember the outrage over the Hur Report, which stated Biden should not be prosecuted because people would see him as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory”?  As they always do, the perpetrators of the Big Lie about Joe Biden’s mental and physical vigor doubled down and lied their eyes out.

The New York Times lied like all the rest and now they are already rewriting history, claiming they’ve not only regularly raised the issue of Biden’s age and mental decline, but have done so consistently.  That paper habitually and deliberately allowed Biden’s verbal slips, unfinished sentences, his thoughts trailing off into nothingness to be ignored.  Now, in an effort, to throw Biden overboard, the Times is amplifying and pointing to every little mistake he makes.  That paper has turned its usual inside-out and upside-down reality into what they wish it to be.

George Stephanopoulos did a recorded interview with Joe Biden that was supposed to right the ship that was beginning to take on water.  Then Stephanopoulos told someone on the street that he didn’t think Biden could serve four more years.  That evidently riled an ABC news executive who reportedly told Stephanopoulos he was supposed to be a journalist and the network expected journalists to be objective.  It’s hilarious they think most of the country believes they are objective in the first place.  No one can possibly be surprised they think we are so stupid as to believe they aren’t biased.  Yet did George Stephanopoulos believe Biden could have served another four years before the interview?  Probably not, but he tried to maintain the lie until it was exposed.

Senator Patty Murray of Washington jumped all over the Wall Street Journal when it published reports of Biden’s cognitive decline.  Now, all of a sudden, Murray is backtracking after hearing from people from her state of Washington even though she was one of those who vouched for Biden’s mental wizardry.

The Democrats in Congress who are suddenly calling for Biden to step aside act like a thunderbolt from on high just came down and struck them atop their pointy little heads.  They are now shocked, just downright, plain old shocked, like the police chief from “Casablanca” was to learn there was gambling going on in Rick’s casino.

Joe Biden’s cheese didn’t just slide off his cracker the day before the debate.  It’s been lying on the floor since before he was campaigning from the comfort of his basement.  They’ve known poor old Joe’s elevator didn’t go all the way to the top floor for some time now. In fact, there appears to be some evidence the car is absent from the shaft.

The best comparison to the hysteria is like the old fairy tale of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” by Hans Christian Anderson.  The tale involves a vain and silly king who is convinced he is wearing a beautiful suit of clothes and parades about the city in his underwear.  So, everyone goes along with the suit of clothes having been woven on looms and made out of … nothing. And everybody went along with it so as not to be thought an idiot.  It made idiots out of all of them.  It took the honesty of a child to point at the king and laugh and say he was out in public in his underwear.  Then everyone started to laugh.

Now that the truth has been exposed, which apparently, they never thought it would be they are ready to toss old Joe aside like yesterday’s trash.  The truth has been out there for some time, but they and their allies in the media have lied, obfuscated, covered up and made excuses for 3 ½ years.  Now that the truth has been exposed, why would anyone believe them again?  Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.