By Steve Hunley

Nobody gets the Knoxville News-Sentinel’s knickers in a twist like Congressman Tim Burchett. Just about anything that comes out of Burchett’s mouth has to be reimagined by the News-Sentinel through the filter of Allie Feinberg who is less journalist than an activist. The very idea that Kamala Harris was a DEI choice or the notion the former director of the Secret Service might have risen to the top because of woke policies is to blaspheme the holy of holies of progressive politics. Evidently, we are supposed to believe DEI not only selects applicants on the basis of diversity, equity and inclusion, but whoever is chosen on the basis of race, gender and inclusion is also the most qualified and able person. It would be more proper for it to be DIE, as it means death to intelligence and equality. What progressives mean by diversity is only people of color. White people are to be excluded. Exclusion by race by any other name is called discrimination. If not DIE, then it would be more accurate to state that DEI stands for what it really is: discrimination, exclusion and indoctrination.

Inclusion means accepting victimhood and hating the various oppressors, like Jews for instance, which is why the far left supports a murderous antisemitic terrorist organization like Hamas. Not accepting the beliefs of the far left is the ultimate blasphemy and means one is NOT inclusive and therefore must be a bigot and a racist.

In truth, DEI was conceived in neo-Marxist ideology and birthed in the wake of critical race theory being seen for what it was – – – a blatant attempt to rewrite American history based on imaginings and an abuse of the truth. But to the far left truth is the last thing that matters. It is considered gospel in most of academia and the mainstream media and is designed to indoctrinate neo-Marxist beliefs, crush free speech and smother to death any dissenting opinion by canceling those people and invoking the crime of bias against those who dare not to accept the orthodoxy of the far left.

Joe Biden promised to pick a Black woman as his vice-presidential running mate. There weren’t a whole lot of other qualifications stated, so Congressman Burchett is pretty much right about Harris being a DEI choice, like it or not. For folks like Allie Feinberg and her superiors at the News-Sentinel who believe up to their hair follicles in woke ideology and DEI, why in the world is it such a terrible thing to say Kamala is a DEI pick, especially if it is such a good thing?

Most likely because in their heart of hearts they all know being the DEI pick isn’t quite the same as being the most qualified candidate or the best candidate for the job. I should think even Allie would like to think she was hired because she was the best candidate for the job and not because no Bulgarian trans folk dancer who identifies as a cat and uses a litter box didn’t apply.

Rewriting history, dismissing and repressing religion, and realigning everything on the basis of victims and oppressors while centering upon race and sexual orientation is at the very heart of DEI and the woke agenda. Jews are not allowed to defend themselves, their homeland or their people precisely because they are, according to the far left, oppressors. They deny that Hamas, Isis, Hezbollah and their ilk are terrorists. They believe children should be able to get gender reassignment surgery without the parents having anything to say about it.

And to help them along in stamping out individual thought and freedom, the wokesters reimagine the English language. The homeless are the “houseless.” An ex-convict is labeled a “returning citizen” instead or, at least a little closer to the truth, “persons with a history of incarceration.” Equality is a bad word, which should tell anyone still capable of rational thought where we are today; instead, the far left would have us use “equity.” Likewise, it is considered just awful to refer to the disadvantaged, as one should point to the “historically and intentionally excluded.” And we’ve all heard their rallying cry of “social justice.” “Illegal alien” has of course become “undocumented citizen,” when they aren’t citizens at all. “They” is an accepted singular pronoun by the woke and we are all supposed to pretend there aren’t just two biological sexes. To take that view is to be burned at the stake for spewing hate speech. And of course, they interpret the speech of anyone who disagrees with them or their insanity as “violence.” They, on the other hand, can call for the slaughter of an entire race of people and it’s just fine because we can’t ever forget, that the Jews are oppressors and oppressors get what they deserve in the end. And ironically, they like to call their opponents Nazis and authoritarians.

The difference between equality and equity is like the distance between oceans without end. Fair opportunities are to be buried; instead we must seek predetermined outcomes for those who are supposed to be members of allegedly marginalized minorities. It’s akin to affirmative action with a 99-point advantage in the beginning out of a 100-point scale for the marginalized. That is pretty much the entire qualification that is needed. And never forget, whites can never be the victims of racism; only members of the designated marginalized are allowed that privilege. The dictionary has to be updated several times each year to keep up with the ever-changing definition of racism.

Yep, Joe Biden was not cognitively impaired, nobody knew it, and Jill just ran the cabinet meeting because she’s good at it and it was DEI in action. We need to reimagine that, too.