Dogwood Arts announces large-scale mural project in North Knoxville

Dogwood Arts and Visit Knoxville are excited to announce a large-scale public art project unlike any other in our area. The project will transform an unassuming, little used space into an extensive outdoor art gallery, further enhancing the public art in Knoxville alongside cities like Asheville, Miami, and Philadelphia as must-visit destinations to appreciate art of all kinds.

Knox Walls at Emory Place will be an immersive art destination in North Knoxville featuring thirteen large-scale, permanent murals by prominent artists from across the country. The murals will be located in the space behind Lilienthal Gallery, Pivot Point Gallery, French Fried Vintage, Design AF, NOI Knoxville, and Harb’s Carpeting & Oriental Rugs between N. Central Street and N. Broadway.

“The high caliber of artists who responded to our nationwide call surpassed our expectations and our entire team is brimming with excitement to bring each of the artists selected to Knoxville — it’s an opportunity unlike any other for us to welcome and host internationally-recognized, award-winning artists to leave their mark on our City,” said Sherry Jenkins, Executive Director of Dogwood Arts. “Critical funding from Visit Knoxville and personal investment and commitment by Ilana Brodt (a talented artist , Lilienthal Gallery Owner, and owner of many of the buildings involved) were two important elements that helped bring this dream to life. We all hope Knox Walls at Emory Place will become a catalyst for community connection, economic growth, and accessibility to the arts in North Knoxville and beyond.”

“We are thrilled for the opportunity to continue our partnership with Dogwood Arts on this exciting creative endeavor,” said Kim Bumpas, President of Visit Knoxville. “We know that murals and street art are a big draw for visitors in destinations across the country, and Knoxville is no exception. The Emory Place mural project will continue to showcase Knoxville as a nature-loving-adventure-seeking-ARTSY-kinda-town!”

While funding for artist commissions is always a challenge for a project of this size, the project could not happen without the support and commitment of the property owners Ilana Brodt and Johnny and Libby Harb (owners of Harb’s Rug Gallery – on Broadway since 1926). Brodt has already invested significantly in the project collaborating with Dogwood Arts on artist selections and having all of the walls of her buildings cleaned and primed in preparation for the artists who will be arriving soon. Prep of the Harb’s walls will follow shortly.

About the project, Brodt said, “As I developed Emory Place into a hub for arts and culture, I wanted to extend the arts into the alley behind Lilienthal Gallery. When Dogwood Arts came and asked if they could have murals painted there, I was very excited to collaborate. I remembered a project I was a part of in Miami – Wynwood Walls. I envisioned full scale, top to bottom murals, with a specific topic that all artists would work together on. The murals will be permanently on the walls, as an open exhibition, accessible to the public.”

Each artist commissioned by Dogwood Arts will take between 5-10 days to complete their individual murals; work will begin in late July and continue through early September. A press event will be scheduled in mid-August when the largest concentration of artists will be working in the space, more details to follow. Knox Walls at Emory Place will officially open to the public in early October.